KAAN Architecten

Education Centre University . Groningen

KAAN Architecten . photos: © Marcel Ijzerman . © Sebastian van Damme

Groningen, the largest city in the northern Netherlands, hosts over 60,000 students and is home to the Healthy Ageing Campus. The Education Centre of Groningen is the first one in a planned series of facilities on the campus, uniting students, researchers, clinics, and industry to advance healthy ageing research and innovation. Continue reading KAAN Architecten



Children’s Hospice House for Julia . Brno


Inner peace, acceptance, humility and harmony. These are the emotions we aimed to incorporate into the design of the children’s hospice. Despite its size, is quite discretely set into the surrounding area. It is placed into the natural amphitheatre of the original park and oriented towards a protected inner courtyard with preserved mature trees. All the children’s rooms and the communal spaces are oriented towards this atrium with views of greenery and even a small pond. We also designed a viewing walkway on the roof leading to a meditation spot at the top of the hill. From the parents‘ rooms on the upper floor, you can access it at any time – day or night. Continue reading Studio ČTYŘSTĚN


Gonzalo Juanes

Descenso del Sella. Ribadesella, agosto, 1965


Juanes was born in Gijón in 1923, and after a brief stint in Madrid, in 1957 he had to move permanently back to his hometown, where he took portraits of his fellow Asturians, their everyday life, always in black and white in the quest for his own style in the reporting format, which he considered the best documentary way to record reality with emotion. Continue reading Gonzalo Juanes